Sunday, October 23, 2011


Nauseous and a headache. Not that I can reasonably blame that on the restaurant I just got back from. No I'm afraid the credit goes to my neurosis, ever triumphant as always at causing me physical discomfort. I'm surprised that came out coherently.

So I came to a realization today - that halloween is coming and that its getting colder and I'm underprepared while my comforter is not and I find myself more and more likely to resort to the cozy crevices of my egg crate mattress cover. The only thing driving me out of my dorm is our lack of food and sometimes I can't even bring myself to leave for that. Last night for instance I ordered a helping of shredded beef with spicy chinese chili pepper from a restaurant called Suzies Finest Chinese Cuisine ( It isn't the best chinese food I've ever had but its perfectly wonderful in its own sense, mostly because they deliver and so many other places won't because its either "too far" or "too late". For about fifteen dollars, that includes the tip for the delivery guy, I got an entire container of beef and peppers and rice which I promptly doused in Trader Joe's red curry sauce - I ate all of it and tucked myself and my new food baby that was rising and swelling in my stomach under my covers and began to plan my Thanksgiving Canada trip, which is just so patriotic.

Tonight I ventured out of my dorm for food, with my original intention of going to Mario Batali's Eataly on 5th Ave shifting to somewhat of an intention of going to Little Italy and finally becoming what was my evening at a little, well priced, italian place called Bianca, I found myself enjoying succulent gnocchi as it melted in my mouth like little cubes of softened butter. Doused in a creamy gorgonzola cheese sauce, I couldn't help myself from dipping slice of bread after slice of bread into the stewing substance that sat before me, until my stomach again swelled to the size of a newly pregnant woman.

Now I'm feeling the aftermath and will soon be hitting my mattress, for the second, or third, or fourth time today. I'll console myself with the knowledge that you burn more calories sleeping than just sitting around.

1 comment:

  1. That Gnocchi sauce sounds devine.
    Get outta bed, sleepy head.
